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Our bakeries have been community cornerstones for over 130 years. From our start in the small towns of France through to our expansion across the world, PAUL has always maintained the responsibility to be a part of positive changes in the community and give back. Find out about what we are doing and how you can get involved.

Sustainability for our future
For five generations, PAUL has played a crucial role in the community, recognising the importance of protecting the environment and bringing quality products to people all over the world.

The Enviroment - PAUL's Promise
Our future is determined by how we look after the environment. We are proud of the sustainable steps we are taking to guarantee a healthier, happier and ultimately greener future for generations to come.

Our Customers - PAUL's Priority
We recognise the needs of our customers vary from one to the other. That is why it is so important to us to source and develop ranges with your needs at the heart of whatever we do.

Our People - PAUL's Perfect Recipe
Many things have stayed the same since the first PAUL shop opened in 1889, such as the recognition that our people really are the secret ingredient to our success.
Supporting Local Charities
At PAUL, we're proud to say that each of our London stores supports several charities local and large. We donate surplus bread and products to The Felix Project, West London Day Centre, the Order of Malta, Project Soup (Oxford) and Marylebone Food Cycle.
PAUL joined forces with The Felix Project in 2016 to help fight food waste by having our bakers create a delicious Bread Pudding from the surplus bread. The Bread Pudding and unsold loaves are collected daily by the Felix Project volunteers who deliver them to multiple charities serving the homeless, people suffering from mental illness, women in refuges, children, and the elderly. In 2018 we turned 4.5 tonnes of bread into bread pudding! In 2019 we managed to provide 36,969 MEALS to The Felix Project through our delicious bread pudding (created from our unsold bread and pastries) as well as collections made in our Holland Park and Notting Hill Gate stores.
Our annual Christmas appeal which began in 2016, where we donate 50p for every 400g or larger loaf sold during December each year, has raised over £38,000! The Felix Project have used these proceeds towards new delivery vehicles for their organisation to continue providing food for those who need it.
Our Operations and Support Office team members regularly volunteer at Refettorio Felix to help give a plate of food to those that normally go without. You can find out more about this great charity on their website.

Australia thanks you!
Due to the fantastic efforts of our staff, and through the wonderful loyalty of our customers, PAUL UK has managed to raise a staggering £23,000 to contribute to the rehabilitation of wildlife and eco-systems severely affected by the ongoing fires in Australia. This is an incredible achievement in 1 day from all hot drink sales on 24th January 2020, which would not have happened without our awesome customers and amazing staff.
For any enquiries relating to PAUL’s charity work or questions about fundraising, please contact support@paul-uk.com.

Beat The Summer Heat With Crock Pot Cooking
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